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bogus::ProductGaussSeidel< BlockMatrixType, DiagonalType, PrecomputeDMt > Class Template Reference

Matrix-free version of the GaussSeidel iterative solver. More...

#include <ProductGaussSeidel.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for bogus::ProductGaussSeidel< BlockMatrixType, DiagonalType, PrecomputeDMt >:
bogus::GaussSeidelBase< ProductGaussSeidel< BlockMatrixType, DiagonalType, PrecomputeDMt >, BlockMatrixType > bogus::ConstrainedSolverBase< ProductGaussSeidel< BlockMatrixType, DiagonalType, PrecomputeDMt >, BlockMatrixType > bogus::BlockSolverBase< BlockMatrixType >

Public Types

enum  { has_trivial_diagonal = IsSame<DiagonalType, typename BlockMatrixType::Scalar>::Value }
typedef GaussSeidelBase
< ProductGaussSeidel,
BlockMatrixType > 
typedef Base::GlobalProblemTraits GlobalProblemTraits
typedef GlobalProblemTraits::Scalar Scalar
< DiagonalType,!!has_trivial_diagonal > 
< BlockMatrixType, DiagWrapper,
PrecomputeDMt > 
typedef LocalProblemTraits
< Base::BlockTraits::RowsPerBlock,
Scalar > 
typedef BlockMatrixTraits
< BlockMatrixType > 
typedef Signal< unsigned, Scalar > CallBackType

Public Member Functions

 ProductGaussSeidel ()
 Default constructor – you will have to call setMatrix() before using the solve() function.
 ProductGaussSeidel (const BlockObjectBase< BlockMatrixType > &matrix)
 Constructor with the main system matrix M.
 ProductGaussSeidel (const BlockObjectBase< BlockMatrixType > &matrix, const DiagonalType &diagonal)
 Constructor with both the main matrix M and the diagonal D.
ProductGaussSeidelsetMatrix (const BlockObjectBase< BlockMatrixType > &matrix)
 Sets the system matrix (M) and initializes internal structures.
ProductGaussSeidelsetDiagonal (const DiagonalType &diagonal)
 Sets the system diagonal (D) and initializes internal structures.
template<typename NSLaw , typename RhsT , typename ResT >
Scalar solve (const NSLaw &law, const RhsT &b, ResT &x, bool tryZeroAsWell=true) const
 Finds an approximate solution for a constrained linear problem.
template<typename NSLaw , typename RhsT , typename ResT , typename LSDerived , typename HDerived >
Scalar solveWithLinearConstraints (const NSLaw &law, const BlockObjectBase< LSDerived > &Cinv, const BlockObjectBase< HDerived > &H, const Scalar alpha, const RhsT &b, const RhsT &c, ResT &x, bool tryZeroAsWell=true, unsigned solveEvery=1) const
template<typename NSLaw , typename RhsT , typename ResT , typename WDerived >
Scalar solveWithLinearConstraints (const NSLaw &law, const BlockObjectBase< WDerived > &W, const RhsT &b, ResT &x, bool tryZeroAsWell=true, unsigned solveEvery=1) const
void setMaxThreads (unsigned maxThreads=0)
 Sets the maximum number of threads that the solver can use. More...
void setAutoRegularization (Scalar maxRegul)
 Sets the auto-regularization (a.k.a. proximal point) coefficient. More...
void setEvalEvery (unsigned evalEvery)
 Sets the number of iterations that should be performed between successive evaluations of the global error function. More...
void setSkipTol (Scalar skipTol)
 Sets the minimum iteration step size under which local problems are temporarily frozen.
void setSkipIters (unsigned skipIters)
 Sets the number of iterations for temporarily freezing local problems.
void useInfinityNorm (bool useInfNorm)
 Sets whether the solver will use the infinity norm instead of the l1 one to compute the global residual from the local ones.
bool usesInfinityNorm () const
Scalar eval (const NSLaw &law, const ResT &y, const RhsT &x) const
 Eval the current global residual as a function of the local ones. More...
void projectOnConstraints (const NSLaw &projector, VectorT &x) const
 Projects the variable x on the constraints defined by projector.
void dualityCOV (const NSLaw &law, const RhsT &b, ResT &x) const
 Compute associated change of variable (see NSLaw)
Scalar solve (const NSLaw &law, const RhsT &b, ResT &x) const
void setMaxIters (unsigned maxIters)
 For iterative solvers: sets the maximum number of iterations.
unsigned maxIters () const
void setTol (Scalar tol)
 For iterative solvers: sets the solver tolerance.
Scalar tol () const
CallBackTypecallback ()
 Callback hook; will be triggered every N iterations, depending on the solver. More...
const CallBackTypecallback () const
const BlockObjectBase
< BlockMatrixType > & 
matrix () const

Protected Types

typedef Base::Index Index

Protected Member Functions

void updateLocalMatrices ()
template<typename NSLaw , typename VecT , typename ResT >
void innerLoop (bool parallelize, const NSLaw &law, const VecT &b, std::vector< unsigned char > &skip, Scalar &ndxRef, VecT &Mx, ResT &x) const
const BlockMatrixBase
< BlockMatrixType > & 
explicitMatrix () const
const IterableBlockObject
< BlockMatrixType > & 
iterableMatrix () const
void processLocalMatrices ()
Scalar evalAndKeepBest (const NSLaw &law, const ResT &x, const typename GlobalProblemTraits::DynVector &y, typename GlobalProblemTraits::DynVector &x_best, Scalar &err_best) const
bool tryZero (const NSLaw &law, const RhsT &b, ResT &x, typename GlobalProblemTraits::DynVector &x_best, Scalar &err_best) const
void updateScalings ()

Protected Attributes

DiagWrapper m_diagonal
DMtStorage m_DMt
< DiagonalBlockType >::Type 
GlobalProblemTraits::DynVector m_regularization
unsigned m_maxThreads
 See setMaxThreads(). Defaults to 0 .
unsigned m_evalEvery
 See setEvalEvery(). Defaults to 25.
Scalar m_skipTol
 See setSkipTol(). Defaults to 1.e-6.
unsigned m_skipIters
 See setSkipIters() Defaults to 10.
Scalar m_autoRegularization
GlobalProblemTraits::DynVector m_scaling
bool m_useInfinityNorm
 See useInfinityNorm(). Defaults to false.
const BlockObjectBase
< BlockMatrixType > * 
 Pointer to the matrix of the system.
unsigned m_maxIters
 See setMaxIters()
Scalar m_tol
 See setTol()
CallBackType m_callback

Detailed Description

template<typename BlockMatrixType, typename DiagonalType = typename BlockMatrixType::Scalar, bool PrecomputeDMt = !( IsSame<DiagonalType, typename BlockMatrixType::Scalar>::Value )>
class bogus::ProductGaussSeidel< BlockMatrixType, DiagonalType, PrecomputeDMt >

Matrix-free version of the GaussSeidel iterative solver.

Assumes that the system matrix is defined as the product (M D M'), with D a block-diagonal matrix whose block sizes coincide with those of the columns of M.

Template Parameters
BlockMatrixTypeThe type of the main solver matrix M (the constructor's first argument).
DiagonalTypeThe type of the diagonal matrix D. The default type (M's Scalar type) means using a constant times the identity matrix.
PrecompupeDMtWhether to precompute and store the (D M') part of the product (M D M'). Defaults to true if DiagonalType is not the default value.
Parallelization is supported, but dangerous. If in doubt, use setMaxThreads(1)
D must be block-diagonal. Works best when M is row-major and its columns are quite sparse
See Also

Member Function Documentation

template<typename BlockMatrixType >
CallBackType& bogus::BlockSolverBase< BlockMatrixType >::callback ( )

Callback hook; will be triggered every N iterations, depending on the solver.

Useful to monitor the convergence of the solver. Can be connected to a function that takes an unsigned and a Scalar as parameters. The first argument will be the current iteration number, and the second the current residual.

See Also
Signal< unsigned, Scalar >
Scalar bogus::ConstrainedSolverBase< ProductGaussSeidel< BlockMatrixType, DiagonalType, PrecomputeDMt > , BlockMatrixType >::eval ( const NSLaw &  law,
const ResT &  y,
const RhsT &  x 
) const

Eval the current global residual as a function of the local ones.

y should be such that y = m_matrix * x + rhs

the current residual err defined as follow :
void bogus::GaussSeidelBase< ProductGaussSeidel< BlockMatrixType, DiagonalType, PrecomputeDMt > , BlockMatrixType >::setAutoRegularization ( Scalar  maxRegul)

Sets the auto-regularization (a.k.a. proximal point) coefficient.

The regularization works by slightly altering the local problems, so at each iteration we try to solve

\[ \left\{ \begin{array}{rcl} y^{k+1} &=& ( M + \alpha I ) x^{k+1} - \alpha x^k + b^{k} \\ &s.t.& law (x^{k+1},y^{k+1}) \end{array} \right. \]

where $\alpha$ is the regularization coefficient.

Note that as $ | x^{k+1} - x^{k} | \rightarrow 0 $ when the algorithm converges, we are still trying to find a solution of the same global problem.

For under-determined problems, regularization might helps preventing x reaching problematically high values. Setting $\alpha$ to a too big value will however degrade the convergence of the global algorithm.

maxRegulIf greater than zero, then positive terms will be added to the diagonal of the local matrices so that their minimal eigenvalue become greater than maxRegul.
void bogus::GaussSeidelBase< ProductGaussSeidel< BlockMatrixType, DiagonalType, PrecomputeDMt > , BlockMatrixType >::setEvalEvery ( unsigned  evalEvery)

Sets the number of iterations that should be performed between successive evaluations of the global error function.

( Those evaluations require a full matrix/vector product, and are therfore quite costly )

void bogus::GaussSeidelBase< ProductGaussSeidel< BlockMatrixType, DiagonalType, PrecomputeDMt > , BlockMatrixType >::setMaxThreads ( unsigned  maxThreads = 0)

Sets the maximum number of threads that the solver can use.

If \p maxThreads is zero, then it will use the current OpenMP setting.
If multi-threading is enabled without coloring, the result will not be deterministic, as it will depends on the order in which threads solve contacts.

On the other hand, the algorithm will run much faster.

template<typename BlockMatrixType, typename DiagonalType = typename BlockMatrixType::Scalar, bool PrecomputeDMt = !( IsSame<DiagonalType, typename BlockMatrixType::Scalar>::Value )>
template<typename NSLaw , typename RhsT , typename ResT , typename LSDerived , typename HDerived >
Scalar bogus::ProductGaussSeidel< BlockMatrixType, DiagonalType, PrecomputeDMt >::solveWithLinearConstraints ( const NSLaw &  law,
const BlockObjectBase< LSDerived > &  Cinv,
const BlockObjectBase< HDerived > &  H,
const Scalar  alpha,
const RhsT &  b,
const RhsT &  c,
ResT &  x,
bool  tryZeroAsWell = true,
unsigned  solveEvery = 1 
) const


\[ \left\{ \begin{array}{rclll} y &=& MDM^T x &+ p &+ b \\ 0 &=& H^T x &+ \frac{1}{\alpha}C p &+ c \\ &s.t.& law (x,y) \end{array} \right. \]

where Cinv is such that Cinv * x = $ C^{-1} x $

Requires: m_evalEvery multiple of solveEvery ;
template<typename BlockMatrixType, typename DiagonalType = typename BlockMatrixType::Scalar, bool PrecomputeDMt = !( IsSame<DiagonalType, typename BlockMatrixType::Scalar>::Value )>
template<typename NSLaw , typename RhsT , typename ResT , typename WDerived >
Scalar bogus::ProductGaussSeidel< BlockMatrixType, DiagonalType, PrecomputeDMt >::solveWithLinearConstraints ( const NSLaw &  law,
const BlockObjectBase< WDerived > &  W,
const RhsT &  b,
ResT &  x,
bool  tryZeroAsWell = true,
unsigned  solveEvery = 1 
) const


\[ \left\{ \begin{array}{rcl} y &=& MDM^T x + W x + b \\ &s.t.& law (x,y) \end{array} \right. \]

with W arbitrary linear operator ( matrix or expression )

Requires: m_evalEvery multiple of solveEvery ;

Member Data Documentation

Scalar bogus::GaussSeidelBase< ProductGaussSeidel< BlockMatrixType, DiagonalType, PrecomputeDMt > , BlockMatrixType >::m_autoRegularization
See Also
setAutoRegularization(). Defaults to 0.

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