bogus | Main namespace for bogus and So-bogus |
  admm | Options for ADMM solvers |
  block_solvers_impl | |
   DiagonalMatrixWrapper | Wrapper for the block-diagonal matrix of the ProductGaussSeidel solver |
   DiagonalMatrixWrapper< Type, false > | |
   DMtStorage | Utility struct to precompute or reference the (D M') part of the product |
   DMtStorage< MType, DType, true > | |
  flags | Flags for compile-time tuning of the behavior of objects such as SparseBlockMatrix |
  krylov | Krylov methods implementation |
   solvers | Namespace containing the implementations of the methods listed in Method, as specializations of KrylovSolverBase |
    CG | Solves ( m_A * x = b ) using the Conjugate Gradient algorithm |
    BiCG | Solves ( m_A * x = b ) using the BiConjugate Gradient algorithm |
    BiCGSTAB | Solves ( m_A * x = b ) using the BiConjugate Gradient stabilized algorithm |
    CGS | Solves ( m_A * x = b ) using the Conjugate Gradient Squared algorithm |
    GMRES | Solves ( m_A * x = b ) using the (restarted) Generalized Minimum Residual |
    TFQMR | Solves ( m_A * x = b ) using the transpose-free Quasi Minimal Reisual method |
   KrylovSolverBase | |
  local_soc_solver | Configuration properties of local Second Order Cone solver |
  lock_impl | |
   AbstractLock | |
   AbstractLock.data | |
  mkl | Specializations using mkl |
   bindings | Wrapper over scalar-specific mkl calls |
   bindings< double > | |
  mv_impl | |
   EigenBlockWrapper | Wrapper so our SparseBlockMatrix can be used inside Eigen expressions |
   block_product_impl | SparseBlockMatrix / Dense producty expression |
   BlockEigenProduct | |
   block_product_impl< bogus::mv_impl::EigenBlockWrapper< Derived >, EigenDerived > | |
   block_product_impl< EigenDerived, bogus::mv_impl::EigenBlockWrapper< Derived > > | |
  polynomial | |
   RootsFinder | |
   PossiblyDegenerateRootsFinder | |
  projected_gradient | Options for ProjectedGradient solvers |
  BlockTranspose | Defines the transpose type of a BlockType using self-introspection |
  BlockTranspose< BlockType, true, DCT, DTT > | |
  BlockTranspose< BlockType, false, true, DTT > | |
  BlockTranspose< BlockType, false, false, true > | |
  IsTransposable | |
  TransposeIf | Utility struct for expressing a compile-time conditional transpose of a block |
  TransposeIf< true > | |
  BlockTransposeOption | Utility struct to handle both compile-time and runtime optionally transposed ops |
  BlockTransposeOption< false, CompileTimeTranspose > | |
  BlockDims | Access to the dimensions of a block |
  Segmenter | Access to segment of a vector corresponding to a given block-row |
  Segmenter< internal::DYNAMIC, VectorType, Index > | |
  BlockMatrixBase | Base class for dense and sparse block matrices, thought dense don't exist yet |
  BlockObjectBase | Base class for anything block |
  BlockMatrixTraits< BlockObjectBase< Derived > > | Default specialization of traits for BlockMatrices |
  CompoundBlockMatrix | A matrix made by concatenating two other matrices of possibly different types |
  BlockMatrixTraits< CompoundBlockMatrix< ColWise, MatrixT1, MatrixT2 > > | |
  CompoundBlockMatrix< false, MatrixT1, MatrixT2 > | |
  CompoundSparseBlockIndex | |
  SparseBlockIndexTraits< CompoundSparseBlockIndex< FirstIndexType, SecondIndexType, NativeOrder > > | |
   InnerIterator | |
  SparseBlockIndex< true, Index_, BlockPtr_, ArrayType > | Compressed index, compatible with usual BSR/BSC formats |
  SparseBlockIndexTraits< SparseBlockIndex< true, Index_, BlockPtr_, ArrayType > > | |
   InnerIterator | Forward iterator |
  NarySum | Sum of n similar expressions |
  BlockMatrixTraits< NarySum< Expression > > | |
  Evaluator | Evaluates an expression inside a temporary if necessary, otherwise returns directly a matrix reference |
  Evaluator< Src, Src > | |
  Evaluator< Transpose< Src >, Dest > | |
  Transpose | Base class for Transpose views of a BlockObjectBase |
  BlockMatrixTraits< Transpose< MatrixT > > | |
  BlockStorage | |
  BlockStorage< ObjectT, true > | |
  BlockOperand | |
  BinaryBlockOp | |
  Product | |
  BlockMatrixTraits< Product< LhsMatrixT, RhsMatrixT > > | |
  Addition | |
  BlockMatrixTraits< Addition< LhsMatrixT, RhsMatrixT > > | |
  Scaling | |
  BlockMatrixTraits< Scaling< MatrixT > > | |
  BlockOperand< Scaling< ObjectT > > | |
  IterableBlockObject | Base class for matrix-like objects that define a block structure, but not a block type |
  BlockMatrixTraits< MappedSparseBlockMatrix< BlockT, Flags, Index_ > > | Specialization of BlockMatrixTraits for SparseBlockMatrix |
  MappedSparseBlockMatrix | Mapped Sparse Block Matrix |
  BlockTraits< MappedSparseBlockMatrix< BlockT, Flags, Index_ > > | |
  SparseBlockMatrixOpProxy< true, true, double, MKL_INT > | |
  BlockTraits< double > | |
  BlockTraits< float > | |
  BlockTraits< int > | |
  BlockTraits< char > | |
  SparseBlockIndexTraits | |
  SparseBlockIndexBase | |
  SparseBlockIndex | Uncompressed sparse block index |
  SparseBlockIndexTraits< SparseBlockIndex< Compressed, Index_, BlockPtr_, ArrayType > > | |
   InnerIterator | Forward iterator |
  SparseBlockIndexGetter | |
  SparseBlockIndexGetter< Derived, true > | |
  SparseBlockIndexComputer | |
  SparseBlockIndexComputer< MatrixType, ColWise, Transpose, true > | |
  BlockMatrixTraits< SparseBlockMatrix< BlockT, Flags > > | Specialization of BlockMatrixTraits for SparseBlockMatrix |
  SparseBlockMatrix | Sparse Block Matrix |
  BlockTraits< SparseBlockMatrix< BlockT, Flags > > | |
  SparseBlockMatrixFinalizer | |
  SparseBlockMatrixBase | Base class for SparseBlockMatrix |
   MutableImpl | |
   MutableImpl< OtherBlockType, false, false > | |
   MutableImpl< OtherBlockType, false, true > | |
   MutableImpl< OtherBlockType, true, true > | |
  BlockMatrixTraits | |
  ResizableSequenceContainer | Default container type, that should resizable and use contiguous storage |
  BlockTraits | |
  BlockTransposeTraits | Defines the return type of an associated transpose_block( const BlockType& ) function |
  BlockVectorProductTraits | Defines the type of the vectors resulting from the multiplication of a BlockMatrix and an instance of VectorTypea |
  BlockBlockProductTraits | Defines the return type of the product of two blocks potentially transposed |
  Zero | Representation of the null matrix |
  BlockMatrixTraits< Zero< Scalar_ > > | |
  ADMM | ADMM (Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers ) iterative solver |
  QuadraticProxOp | Evaluation of prox_{1/c} J with J(x) = 1/2 xM'x + f'x |
  DualAMA | Dual AMA iterative solver (Alternating Minimization Algorithm on dual formuation of quadratic optimization problem) |
  BlockSolverBase | Base class for solvers that operate on BlockMatrixBase matrices |
  Coloring | Coloring algorithm to determine which rows of a matrix can be treated in parallel |
  ConstrainedSolverBase | |
  GaussSeidel | Projected Gauss-Seidel iterative solver |
  GaussSeidelBase | Abstract Gauss-Seidel interface |
  Krylov | Preconditionned Krylov Solvers |
  LinearSolverTraits< krylov::solvers::CG< Matrix, Preconditioner, Traits > > | |
   Result | |
  BlockBlockProductTraits< krylov::solvers::CG< Matrix, Preconditioner, Traits >, RhsBlockT, TransposeLhs, TransposeRhs > | |
  LinearSolverTraits< krylov::solvers::BiCG< Matrix, Preconditioner, Traits > > | |
   Result | |
  BlockBlockProductTraits< krylov::solvers::BiCG< Matrix, Preconditioner, Traits >, RhsBlockT, TransposeLhs, TransposeRhs > | |
  LinearSolverTraits< krylov::solvers::BiCGSTAB< Matrix, Preconditioner, Traits > > | |
   Result | |
  BlockBlockProductTraits< krylov::solvers::BiCGSTAB< Matrix, Preconditioner, Traits >, RhsBlockT, TransposeLhs, TransposeRhs > | |
  LinearSolverTraits< krylov::solvers::CGS< Matrix, Preconditioner, Traits > > | |
   Result | |
  BlockBlockProductTraits< krylov::solvers::CGS< Matrix, Preconditioner, Traits >, RhsBlockT, TransposeLhs, TransposeRhs > | |
  LinearSolverTraits< krylov::solvers::GMRES< Matrix, Preconditioner, Traits > > | |
   Result | |
  BlockBlockProductTraits< krylov::solvers::GMRES< Matrix, Preconditioner, Traits >, RhsBlockT, TransposeLhs, TransposeRhs > | |
  LinearSolverTraits< krylov::solvers::TFQMR< Matrix, Preconditioner, Traits > > | |
   Result | |
  BlockBlockProductTraits< krylov::solvers::TFQMR< Matrix, Preconditioner, Traits >, RhsBlockT, TransposeLhs, TransposeRhs > | |
  LCPLaw | LCP local solver that can be used within GaussSeidel and ProjectedGradient solvers |
  TrivialPreconditioner | Trivial ( identity ) preconditioner. Does nothing |
  DiagonalPreconditioner | Diagonal preconditioner |
  DiagonalLUPreconditioner | Diagonal Block-LU preconditioner |
  DiagonalLDLTPreconditioner | Diagonal Block-LDLT preconditioner |
  MatrixPreconditioner | Matrix preconditioner |
   Type | |
  ProductGaussSeidel | Matrix-free version of the GaussSeidel iterative solver |
  ProjectedGradient | Projected Gradient iterative solver |
  PyramidLaw | Experimental and incomplete pyramidal local solver that can be used within GaussSeidel and ProjectedGradient solvers |
  ProblemTraits | |
   MutableClone | |
  BlockTransposeTraits< Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< BlockT > > | |
  BlockTransposeTraits< Eigen::SparseMatrix< _Scalar, _Flags, _Index > > | |
  BlockTransposeTraits< Eigen::SparseVector< _Scalar, _Flags, _Index > > | |
  BlockTransposeTraits< Eigen::MappedSparseMatrix< _Scalar, _Flags, _Index > > | |
  BlockTraits< Eigen::Matrix< _Scalar, _Rows, _Cols, _Options, _MaxRows, _MaxCols > > | |
  BlockBlockProductTraits< Eigen::Matrix< _Scalar, _Rows, _Cols, _Options, _MaxRows, _MaxCols >, Eigen::Matrix< _Scalar2, _Rows2, _Cols2, _Options2, _MaxRows2, _MaxCols2 >, TransposeLhs, TransposeRhs > | |
  ResizableSequenceContainer< Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, Rows, Cols, Options, MaxRows, MaxCols > > | |
  EigenSolveResult | |
  LinearSolverTraits< LU< Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > > > | |
   Result | |
   Result< Eigen::MatrixBase< RhsT > > | |
  LU< Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > > | |
  DenseLU | |
  LinearSolverTraits< LDLT< Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > > > | |
   Result | |
   Result< Eigen::MatrixBase< RhsT > > | |
  LDLT< Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > > | |
  DenseLDLT | |
  MatrixTraits | |
  MatrixTraits< Eigen::SparseMatrix< _Scalar, _Options, _Index > > | |
  MatrixTraits< double > | |
  MatrixTraits< float > | |
  MatrixTraits< int > | |
  MatrixTraits< char > | |
  LocalProblemTraits | |
  LocalProblemTraits< Eigen::Dynamic, Scalar > | |
  TypeSwapIf | |
  TypeSwapIf< true, First_, Second_ > | |
  SwapIf | |
  SwapIf< true, First_, Second_ > | |
  IsSame | |
  IsSame< T1, T1 > | |
  EnableIf | |
  EnableIf< true, ReturnType_ > | |
  DisableIf | |
  DisableIf< false, ReturnType_ > | |
  HasReturnType | |
  HasConstTransposeReturnType | |
  HasBase | |
  StaticAssert | |
  StaticAssert< false > | |
  ConstMappedArray | Const mapped array, used for Mapped Block Matrices |
  ConstantArray | |
  LinearSolverTraits | |
  LinearSolverBase | Base class for linear solvers on base ( i.e. non-block ) matrices |
  LU | Base class for LU factorizations |
  LDLT | Base class for LDLT factorizations |
  BlockBlockProductTraits< LU< LhsBlockT >, RhsBlockT, TransposeLhs, TransposeRhs > | Block product type deductions |
  BlockBlockProductTraits< LDLT< LhsBlockT >, RhsBlockT, TransposeLhs, TransposeRhs > | |
  Lock | |
   Guard | |
  NaiveSharedPtr | Naive reference-counting Shared Pointer |
  NonSmoothNewton | Dense, naive Newton implementation |
  NumTraits | |
  SignalTraits | |
  Signal | Signal class, to which an arbitrary number of listeners can be connected |
  SignalBase | Base class for Signal of different arities |
  SignalTraits< Signal< Arg1, Arg2, Arg3 > > | |
   Callable | |
   Function | |
   Method | |
   Proxy | |
  SignalTraits< Signal< Arg1, Arg2 > > | |
   Callable | |
   Function | |
   Method | |
   Proxy | |
  SignalTraits< Signal< Arg, void > > | |
   Callable | |
   Function | |
   Method | |
   Proxy | |
  Signal< Arg1, Arg2, void > | |
  Signal< Arg, void, void > | |
  WithMaxThreads | |
  Timer | Simple timer class. Starts when constructed |
  SOCLaw | Non-smooth laws based on Second Order Cone complementarity. To be used within as the first argument to GaussSeidel::solve() |
  FBBaseFunction | Binary Fischer-Burmeister function and jacobian computation |
  FischerBurmeister | Fischer-Burmeister function and jacobian computation, with optional change of variable |
  LocalSOCSolver | |
  PrimalFrictionProblem | Primal Coulomb friction problem for a block-diagonal mass matrix M with dense blocks |
  DualFrictionProblem | Dual representation of a Coulomb friction problem, with explicit Delassus operator |
  MecheFrictionProblem | |
   Options | |
 boost | |
  serialization | |
   version< bogus::SparseBlockIndex< true, Index, BlockPtr > > | |
   version< bogus::SparseBlockMatrix< BlockT, Flags > > | |
 Eigen | |
  internal | |
   traits< bogus::mv_impl::BlockEigenProduct< Lhs, Rhs > > | |
   traits< bogus::mv_impl::EigenBlockWrapper< Derived > > | |