A c++ sparse block matrix library aimed at Second Order cone problems
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bogus::SparseBlockMatrixBase< Derived > Class Template Reference

Base class for SparseBlockMatrix. More...

#include <SparseBlockMatrixBase.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for bogus::SparseBlockMatrixBase< Derived >:
bogus::BlockMatrixBase< Derived > bogus::IterableBlockObject< Derived > bogus::BlockObjectBase< Derived > bogus::SparseBlockMatrix< Eigen::Matrix< double, Dimension, Dimension > > bogus::SparseBlockMatrix< Eigen::Matrix< double, Dimension, Dimension, Eigen::RowMajor >, SYMMETRIC > bogus::SparseBlockMatrix< Eigen::MatrixXd > bogus::SparseBlockMatrix< HBlock, UNCOMPRESSED > bogus::SparseBlockMatrix< LU< Eigen::MatrixBase< Eigen::MatrixXd > > >


struct  MutableImpl
struct  MutableImpl< OtherBlockType, false, false >
struct  MutableImpl< OtherBlockType, false, true >
struct  MutableImpl< OtherBlockType, true, true >

Public Types

typedef BlockMatrixBase< Derived > Base
typedef BlockMatrixTraits
< Derived > 
typedef Traits::BlockPtr BlockPtr
typedef Base::Index Index
typedef Traits::MajorIndexType MajorIndexType
typedef Base::BlockType BlockType
typedef Base::Scalar Scalar
typedef SparseBlockIndex
< false, Index, BlockPtr > 
typedef SparseBlockIndex< true,
Index, BlockPtr > 
typedef UncompressedIndexType MinorIndexType
typedef CompressedIndexType TransposeIndexType
typedef TypeSwapIf
< Traits::is_col_major,
MajorIndexType, MinorIndexType >
typedef TypeSwapIf
< Traits::is_col_major,
MajorIndexType, MinorIndexType >
typedef MutableImpl< BlockType,
true >::Type 
typedef BlockTraits< BlockType >
< TransposeBlockType >::Type 
enum  CompileTimeProperties {
  RowsPerBlock = Traits::RowsPerBlock, ColsPerBlock = Traits::ColsPerBlock, has_row_major_blocks = BlockTraits< BlockType >::is_row_major, has_square_or_dynamic_blocks = ColsPerBlock == RowsPerBlock,
  has_fixed_rows_blocks = ((int) RowsPerBlock != internal::DYNAMIC ), has_fixed_cols_blocks = ((int) ColsPerBlock != internal::DYNAMIC ), has_fixed_size_blocks = has_fixed_cols_blocks && has_fixed_rows_blocks
 Compile-time block properties.
typedef Traits::BlocksArrayType BlocksArrayType
enum  { is_transposed = Traits::is_transposed }
enum  { RowsAtCompileTime = internal::DYNAMIC, ColsAtCompileTime = internal::DYNAMIC, is_self_transpose = Traits::is_symmetric }
typedef Traits::TransposeObjectType TransposeObjectType
typedef Traits::PlainObjectType PlainObjectType

Public Member Functions

BlockType & block (Index row, Index col)
const BlockType & block (Index row, Index col) const
Index rows () const
 Returns the total number of rows of the matrix ( expanding blocks )
Index cols () const
 Returns the total number of columns of the matrix ( expanding blocks )
const Traits::BlocksArrayType & blocks () const
 Access to blocks data.
const BlockType * data () const
 Access to blocks data as a raw pointer.
BlockType * data ()
 Access to blocks data as a raw pointer.
BlockType & diagonal (const Index row)
const BlockType & diagonal (const Index row) const
template<typename Func >
void eachBlockOfRow (const Index row, Func func) const
 Iterates over each block of a given row. Calls func( col, block )
template<typename Func >
void eachBlockOfCol (const Index col, Func func) const
 Iterates over each block of a given col. Calls func( row, block )
template<bool DoTranspose, typename RhsT , typename ResT >
void rowMultiply (const Index row, const RhsT &rhs, ResT &res) const
 Multiplication with a single row.
template<bool DoTranspose, typename RhsT , typename ResT >
void colMultiply (const Index col, const RhsT &rhs, ResT &res) const
 Multiplication with a single column.
const Derived & derived () const
 Returns a const reference to the implementation.
Derived & derived ()
 Returns a reference to the implementation.
Index rowOffset (Index row) const
 Returns an array containing the first index of a given row.
Index colOffset (Index col) const
 Returns an array containing the first index of a given columns.
Setting and accessing the matrix structure
void setRows (const Index nBlocks, const unsigned *rowsPerBlock)
 Defines the row structure of the matrix. More...
void setRows (const std::vector< unsigned > &rowsPerBlock)
 Same, using a std::vector.
void setRows (const Index nBlocks, const Index rowsPerBlock)
 Same, setting each block to have exactly rowsPerBlock.
void setRows (const Index nBlocks)
 Same, deducing the (constant) number of rows per block from the BlockType.
void setCols (const Index nBlocks, const unsigned *colsPerBlock)
 Defines the column structure of the matrix. More...
void setCols (const std::vector< unsigned > &colsPerBlock)
 Same, using a std::vector.
void setCols (const Index nBlocks, const Index colsPerBlock)
 Same, setting each block to have exactly rowsPerBlock.
void setCols (const Index nBlocks)
 Same, deducing the (constant) number of rows per block from the BlockType.
Index rowsOfBlocks () const
Index colsOfBlocks () const
Index blockRows (Index row) const
Index blockCols (Index col) const
Inserting and accessing blocks
void reserve (std::size_t nBlocks)
 Reserve enouch memory to accomodate nBlocks.
BlockType & insertBack (Index row, Index col)
 Inserts a block at the end of the matrix, and returns a reference to it. More...
BlockType & insertBackAndResize (Index row, Index col)
 Convenience method that insertBack() a block and immediately resize it according to the dimensions given to setRows() and setCols()
BlockType & insert (Index row, Index col)
 Insert a block anywhere in the matrix, and returns a reference to it. More...
BlockType & insertAndResize (Index row, Index col)
 Convenience method that insert() a block and immediately resize it according to the dimensions given to setRows() and setCols()
template<bool Ordered>
BlockType & insertByOuterInner (Index outer, Index inner)
 Insert a block, specifying directily the outer and inner indices instead of row and column. More...
void finalize ()
void clear ()
 Clears the matrix.
Derived & setZero ()
Derived & setIdentity ()
 Calls set_identity() on each diagonal block, discard off-diagonal blocks.
Derived & setBlocksToZero ()
 Sets all allocated blocks to zero. Does not update index.
std::size_t nBlocks () const
 Returns the number of (non-zero) blocks of the matrix.
std::size_t size () const
bool empty () const
 Returns whether the matrix is empty.
const BlockType & block (BlockPtr ptr) const
BlockType & block (BlockPtr ptr)
BlockPtr blockPtr (Index row, Index col) const
 Return a BlockPtr to the block a (row, col) or InvalidBlockPtr if it does not exist.
BlockPtr diagonalBlockPtr (Index row) const
 Return a BlockPtr to the block a (row, row) or InvalidBlockPtr if it does not exist.
template<bool ColWise, typename Func >
void eachBlockOf (const Index outer, Func func) const
 Iterates over each block of a given row or col. Calls func( inner, block )
Accessing and manipulating indexes
bool computeMinorIndex ()
 Computes the minor index of the matrix. More...
void cacheTranspose ()
 Computes and caches the tranpose of the matrix. More...
bool transposeCached () const
 Returns whether the transpose has been cached.
InnerIterator innerIterator (Index outer) const
 Returns an InnerIterator to efficiently browse matrix. More...
const MajorIndexType & majorIndex () const
const MinorIndexTypeminorIndex () const
const TransposeIndexTypetransposeIndex () const
const ColIndexType & colMajorIndex () const
const RowIndexType & rowMajorIndex () const
Assignment and cloning operations
template<bool Transpose, typename OtherDerived >
Derived & assign (const SparseBlockMatrixBase< OtherDerived > &source, const Scalar scale=1)
 Performs ( *this = scale * source ) or ( *this = scale * source.transpose() )
template<typename OtherDerived >
Derived & operator= (const BlockObjectBase< OtherDerived > &source)
Derived & operator= (const SparseBlockMatrixBase &source)
template<typename LhsT , typename RhsT >
Derived & operator= (const Product< LhsT, RhsT > &prod)
template<typename LhsT , typename RhsT >
Derived & operator= (const Addition< LhsT, RhsT > &add)
template<typename Expression >
Derived & operator= (const NarySum< Expression > &sum)
template<typename OtherDerived >
Derived & operator= (const Scaling< OtherDerived > &scaling)
template<typename OtherDerived >
void cloneDimensions (const BlockMatrixBase< OtherDerived > &source)
 Clones the dimensions ( number of rows/cols blocks and rows/cols per block ) of source.
template<typename OtherDerived >
void cloneStructure (const SparseBlockMatrixBase< OtherDerived > &source)
 Clones the dimensions and the indexes of source.
void cloneIndex (const MajorIndexType &index)
Linear algebra
ConstTransposeReturnType transpose () const
template<bool Transpose, typename RhsT , typename ResT >
void multiply (const RhsT &rhs, ResT &res, Scalar alpha=1, Scalar beta=0) const
template<typename RhsT , typename ResT >
void splitRowMultiply (const Index row, const RhsT &rhs, ResT &res) const
template<bool DoTranspose, typename RhsT , typename ResT , typename PreOp >
void rowMultiplyPrecompose (const Index row, const RhsT &rhs, ResT &res, const PreOp &op) const
template<bool DoTranspose, typename RhsT , typename ResT , typename PostOp >
void colMultiplyPostcompose (const Index row, const RhsT &rhs, ResT &res, const PostOp &op) const
template<bool ColWise, typename LhsT , typename RhsT >
void setFromProduct (const Product< LhsT, RhsT > &prod)
Derived & scale (Scalar alpha)
 Performs *this *= alpha.
template<bool Transpose, typename OtherDerived >
Derived & add (const SparseBlockMatrixBase< OtherDerived > &rhs, Scalar alpha=1)
 Performs *this += alpha * rhs (SAXPY)
Derived & operator*= (Scalar alpha)
 Coeff-wise multiplication with a scalar.
Derived & operator/= (Scalar alpha)
 Coeff-wise division with a scalar.
Scaling< Derived > operator- () const
 Unary minus.
template<typename OtherDerived >
Derived & operator+= (const BlockObjectBase< OtherDerived > &source)
 Adds another SparseBlockMatrixBase to this one.
template<typename OtherDerived >
Derived & operator-= (const BlockObjectBase< OtherDerived > &source)
 Substracts another SparseBlockMatrixBase from this one.
template<typename Archive >
void serialize (Archive &ar, const unsigned int file_version)
Miscellaneous operations
Derived & prune (const Scalar precision=0)
 Removes all blocks for which is_zero( block, precision ) is true. More...
Derived & applyPermutation (const std::size_t *indices)
 Sets *this = P * (*this) * P.transpose(). More...
Dimension-cloning construction methods
CopyResultType Zero () const
CopyResultType Identity () const
Unsafe API
MajorIndexType & majorIndex ()
 Direct access to major index. More...
void prealloc (std::size_t nBlocks)
 Resizes m_blocks.
const TransposeArrayType & transposeBlocks () const
 Returns the blocks that have been created by cacheTranspose()
const TransposeBlockType * transposeData () const
 Returns the blocks that have been created by cacheTranspose(), as a raw pointer.
const Index * rowOffsets () const
 Returns an array containing the first index of each row.
const Index * colOffsets () const
 Returns an array containing the first index of each column.
const Locklock () const
 Reference to matrix private mutex.

Static Public Attributes

static const BlockPtr InvalidBlockPtr
 Return value of blockPtr( Index, Index ) for non-existing block.

Protected Types

enum  { is_bsr_compatible }
< Traits::is_symmetric > 

Protected Member Functions

template<bool EnforceThreadSafety>
BlockType & allocateBlock (BlockPtr &ptr)
 Pushes a block at the back of m_blocks.
void computeMinorIndex (MinorIndexType &cmIndex) const
const MinorIndexTypegetOrComputeMinorIndex (MinorIndexType &tempIndex) const
ColIndexType & colMajorIndex ()
RowIndexType & rowMajorIndex ()
template<typename IndexT >
void setInnerOffets (IndexT &index, const Index nBlocks, const unsigned *blockSizes) const
TransposeBlockType * transposeData ()

Protected Attributes

TransposeArrayType m_transposeBlocks
MajorIndexType m_majorIndex
MinorIndexType m_minorIndex
TransposeIndexType m_transposeIndex
Lock m_lock
Index m_rows
Index m_cols
BlocksArrayType m_blocks


struct SparseBlockIndexGetter< Derived, true >
struct SparseBlockIndexGetter< Derived, false >

Detailed Description

template<typename Derived>
class bogus::SparseBlockMatrixBase< Derived >

Base class for SparseBlockMatrix.

Most of the useful functions are defined and implemented here, but instantiation should be done throught derived classes such as SparseBlockMatrix

Class Documentation

struct bogus::SparseBlockMatrixBase::MutableImpl

template<typename Derived>
template<typename OtherBlockType, bool PreserveSymmetry = true, bool SwitchDirection = false>
struct bogus::SparseBlockMatrixBase< Derived >::MutableImpl< OtherBlockType, PreserveSymmetry, SwitchDirection >

Class Members
typedef SparseBlockMatrix
< OtherBlockType, flags
struct bogus::SparseBlockMatrixBase::MutableImpl< OtherBlockType, false, false >

template<typename Derived>
template<typename OtherBlockType>
struct bogus::SparseBlockMatrixBase< Derived >::MutableImpl< OtherBlockType, false, false >

Class Members
typedef SparseBlockMatrix
< OtherBlockType, flags
struct bogus::SparseBlockMatrixBase::MutableImpl< OtherBlockType, false, true >

template<typename Derived>
template<typename OtherBlockType>
struct bogus::SparseBlockMatrixBase< Derived >::MutableImpl< OtherBlockType, false, true >

Class Members
typedef SparseBlockMatrix
< OtherBlockType,(flags
&~COL_MAJOR)|((~flags)&COL_MAJOR) >
struct bogus::SparseBlockMatrixBase::MutableImpl< OtherBlockType, true, true >

template<typename Derived>
template<typename OtherBlockType>
struct bogus::SparseBlockMatrixBase< Derived >::MutableImpl< OtherBlockType, true, true >

Class Members
typedef SparseBlockMatrix
< OtherBlockType,(flags

Member Function Documentation

template<typename Derived>
Derived& bogus::SparseBlockMatrixBase< Derived >::applyPermutation ( const std::size_t *  indices)

Sets *this = P * (*this) * P.transpose().

P is build such that its non-zeros blocks are P( i, indices[i] ) = Id. This means that after a call to this this function, the block that was originally at (indices[i],indices[j]) will end up at (i, j).

The number of rows of blocks have to be equal to the number of columns of blocks.
This method will move the blocks data so it remains cache-coherent. This is costly.
template<typename Derived>
BlockType& bogus::BlockMatrixBase< Derived >::block ( Index  row,
Index  col 
block has to exist
template<typename Derived>
const BlockType& bogus::BlockMatrixBase< Derived >::block ( Index  row,
Index  col 
) const
block has to exist
template<typename Derived>
void bogus::SparseBlockMatrixBase< Derived >::cacheTranspose ( )

Computes and caches the tranpose of the matrix.

This will speed up some operations, especially splitRowMultiply() on symmetric matrices ( At a cost of doubling the memory storage, obviously )

template<typename Derived>
void bogus::SparseBlockMatrixBase< Derived >::cloneIndex ( const MajorIndexType &  index)

Clone an external index and allocate corresponding blocks. Rows and Cols dimensions should be set beforhand

template<typename Derived>
bool bogus::SparseBlockMatrixBase< Derived >::computeMinorIndex ( )

Computes the minor index of the matrix.

That is, the column major index for row-major matrices, and vice versa. This may speed up some operations, such as matrix/matrix multiplication under some circumstances.

template<typename Derived>
BlockType& bogus::BlockMatrixBase< Derived >::diagonal ( const Index  row)
block has to exist
template<typename Derived>
const BlockType& bogus::BlockMatrixBase< Derived >::diagonal ( const Index  row) const
block has to exist
template<typename Derived>
void bogus::SparseBlockMatrixBase< Derived >::finalize ( )

Finalizes the matrix.

Should always be called after all blocks have been inserted, or bad stuff may happen
template<typename Derived>
InnerIterator bogus::SparseBlockMatrixBase< Derived >::innerIterator ( Index  outer) const

Returns an InnerIterator to efficiently browse matrix.

The iterator supports the pre-increment and casting-to-bool operations ot check fot its validity. The column (resp row.) can be accessed through the inner() method, and the block index through the ptr() method.

outerIndex of the row (resp. column) of a row-major (resp. column-major) matrix on which to iterate
See Also
Reading the contents of a SparseBlockMatrix
template<typename Derived>
BlockType& bogus::SparseBlockMatrixBase< Derived >::insert ( Index  row,
Index  col 

Insert a block anywhere in the matrix, and returns a reference to it.

Only available for matrices which use an Uncompressed index
Out of order insertion might lead to bad cache performance, and a std::sort will be performed on each inner vector so we can keep efficient block( row, col ) look-up functions.
This method is thread-safe if and only if:
  • Concurrent insertion is done in different outer vectors,
  • A sufficient number of blocks has been allocated by calling reserve(), so that the block array never has to be resized. Otherwise, the block reference return by insert() may be invalidated.
template<typename Derived>
BlockType& bogus::SparseBlockMatrixBase< Derived >::insertBack ( Index  row,
Index  col 

Inserts a block at the end of the matrix, and returns a reference to it.

The insertion order must be such that the pair ( outerIndex, innerIndex ) is always strictly increasing. That is, if the matrix is row-major, the insertion should be done one row at a time, and for each row from the left-most column to the right most.
template<typename Derived>
template<bool Ordered>
BlockType& bogus::SparseBlockMatrixBase< Derived >::insertByOuterInner ( Index  outer,
Index  inner 

Insert a block, specifying directily the outer and inner indices instead of row and column.

Template Parameters
OrderedIf true, then we assume that the insertion is sequential and in stricly increasing order ( as defined in insertBack() )
template<typename Derived>
MajorIndexType& bogus::SparseBlockMatrixBase< Derived >::majorIndex ( )

Direct access to major index.

Could be used in conjunction with prealloc() to devise a custom way of building the index. Dragons, etc.

template<typename Derived>
Derived& bogus::SparseBlockMatrixBase< Derived >::prune ( const Scalar  precision = 0)

Removes all blocks for which is_zero( block, precision ) is true.

This function compacts the blocks and rebuild the index, which can be slow

template<typename Derived>
void bogus::SparseBlockMatrixBase< Derived >::setCols ( const Index  nBlocks,
const unsigned *  colsPerBlock 

Defines the column structure of the matrix.

nBlocksthe number of columns of blocks
colsPerBlockarray containing the number of columns of each block
template<typename Derived>
void bogus::SparseBlockMatrixBase< Derived >::setRows ( const Index  nBlocks,
const unsigned *  rowsPerBlock 

Defines the row structure of the matrix.

nBlocksthe number of rows of blocks
rowsPerBlockarray containing the number of row of each block
template<typename Derived>
Derived& bogus::SparseBlockMatrixBase< Derived >::setZero ( )
See Also

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